Tuesday, 10 November 2020

#33to33- Reading

After a bit of going off track and a bit of laziness I decided to get back to reading. Something I completely loved, something that took me out of this world allowed me to build my own cocoon of peace and harmony. Reading allowed  me to forget all that happened during the day and look forward to something new with every new chapter. Today picked up a book that I had left midway.  To set the mood I had the best accompaniments of chocolate milkshake and a tart to go with it. 
With the baby asleep and pin drop silence it was gonna be a blissful night.
Back in college I couldn't afford to buy new books. With little pocket money, I would buy books from the guy on the street who would sell second hand books or pirated books. I know many wouldn't support the idea, but somehow this guy on the pavement always had good books. After many buying on a regular basis, the guy set up a deal- I could read a book and give it back and he would offer me half the price for it. He was happy, I was happier :)
 Today I am blessed that I can buy any book  at full price and sometime I'm even gifted one.
The bliss of opening a book and flipping pages  under the dim lights and peaceful nights.

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