Tuesday, 10 November 2020

#33to33- Reading

After a bit of going off track and a bit of laziness I decided to get back to reading. Something I completely loved, something that took me out of this world allowed me to build my own cocoon of peace and harmony. Reading allowed  me to forget all that happened during the day and look forward to something new with every new chapter. Today picked up a book that I had left midway.  To set the mood I had the best accompaniments of chocolate milkshake and a tart to go with it. 
With the baby asleep and pin drop silence it was gonna be a blissful night.
Back in college I couldn't afford to buy new books. With little pocket money, I would buy books from the guy on the street who would sell second hand books or pirated books. I know many wouldn't support the idea, but somehow this guy on the pavement always had good books. After many buying on a regular basis, the guy set up a deal- I could read a book and give it back and he would offer me half the price for it. He was happy, I was happier :)
 Today I am blessed that I can buy any book  at full price and sometime I'm even gifted one.
The bliss of opening a book and flipping pages  under the dim lights and peaceful nights.

Saturday, 7 November 2020

#33to33 greetings

Meeting and greeting 
A lousy post cause it was a lousy day, I just couldn't get my head and heart to think about me.
Well I did at times but it was all rot and negative.
I had to pull myself together to think of something to really snap myself out of the drama.
My instant mood fixer, my go to for a little happiness portion -is a ride to Bandra (rik-shaw) of course !
The sheer thought of it was completely bliss. Bandra has been the little 'city' as I like to call it my world ! My school , my college, my first office of 3 years had all there. My heart... Was there there. 
We set out to meet my aunt over a cuppa tea and boy what a good idea that tired out to be. We haven't seen each other which would now be close to a year thanks to the Pandemic.  
Old memories,flavours of Bandra PAO and snacks and catching up got us beaming ! To see the joy of meeting one another on everyone's face is something that can't be explained.
Tea time soon rolled on to dinner and there was no talk of leaving.
 With a lighter hearts and heavier bags we got back home ! 

Oh to be on Bandra ! 🎶

Thursday, 5 November 2020

#33to33 - the universe

 was a rather rough and tough day and it only grew worse .
I didn't think I'd want to do anything for me today, I had my daily chores outlined, which seemed even more dreadful today.
I was close to giving up on what I should do for me to make me cheerful. I am excellent at psyching my self into various negative notions.
The mind is so so susceptible to accepting negative notions rather than a positive one. And it really take hard work and daily reminders to convince oneself about confidence and self esteem! 
But I'm guessing along with doing what makes me happy, happiness is also a state of mind, may also be a very conscious choice.
With my 33 to 33 quest, I knew I was forced to make time for me- something I would never do or else , but what ?
Minutes later into a video call with my family over a cuppa chai  , my heart was lighter and my mood brighter. This was further extended with mum and I reminiscing over the funniest moments of life when I was a child.

The universe wanted me to accomplish 33to33 !
I may not have done anything out of the way for today, but God knew how to put this  happiness portion there. He sent my mum :) 
She told me I was rougher and rougher !

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

#33to33 - leisure walking

A walk to remember 
Since I've gotten married I've always tried to spend alone time with my mum.A bond that developed differently with the different roles we both played over the period of years. We love to catch up over evening tea and share random conversations. 
Today my one thing to do was walk down the road with my mum. I had two goals to achieve, one  - get her to get over the fear of moving out in public and two- spend alone time with her . Since I moved to a new residence, we both had much to simply gaze at even though it was just down the street.
It was a role reversal stage. There were times where she used to hold my hand and show me around. Today it was the other way.
My mum isn't the type to gossip, talk about others or pass judgement. And yet, we have good conversations.
We walked together with our masks on our faces and sparkle in our eyes. We both needed the time off . Surprisingly we didn't have much conversation - but we were so content on our hearts.

The simple joy of walking with each other
 fully understanding each other
 with out exchanging many words with each other.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

#33to33- Baking


This is going to be  short and deliciously sweet !🍰🍰

Last night I did sleep happy fulfilling my goal of doing one thing for me! However knowing me, I stressed about 'what next' , what should I do next ? will I have enough material to write about it.

By the morning I knew exactly what I was doing to do for me! Bake of course.

Baking for me is therapeutic especially late at nights.  My love for baking started when I just finished school. My mum got me enrolled at a local baking class and soon I was doing some sugar crafts too. She would allow me to use the kitchen after she finished with her share of the kitchen work. we didn't have very big kitchen nor tooo many resources , but her encouragement was enough to get the ball rolling. Sometimes she would bake with me, some times she would simply allow me to do my bit.

Late night baking meant a quiet house with the whirring of my hand blender, the cracking of eggs, the scrapping of the vessel and the faint aromas of freshly baked cake. I'd wait patiently reading whatever material available or clearing up the kitchen and the dining table checking on the cake from time to time. The sounds of the times always made my heart skip a beat - excitement and yet.. 'darn they better not wake up'. And at that very hour... where Id bake my cake, I would eat it too! :) 

Today I baked reliving all those memories and how blessed I am to have a fancy ass kitchen, all the necessary baking tools , space for 3 in a kitchen and yet the aromatic smells to fill my home! 

What special today ? Mum is here with me and she will wake up to the aromas of freshly baked cake!

Monday, 2 November 2020

#33to33- Journaling

        I'm going to turn 33 in exactly 33 days and have decided to do something that 'Sparks Joy' in me for these 33 days. Of course it's a big deal, its more than just the big 3...'O' it's 3 more ! 

Gone are the days where I can be drunk, tipsy and bar hopping anymore... not cause I cant- cause its the damn pandemic !  So I'm going to trip on something that keeps me happy or something that brings back a memory or will make a memory. No judgements , no rational, no opinions! Just me DEE!

The first on my list is to write/to journal all that I feel, to pen down my memory of the one thing that made me happy on the journey to 33. I'm super kicked about this idea and very skeptical of sharing it... only cause Im shy ! But heck may be the journey will get better. 

Writing in its true sense sparks joy in me. I love stationery(and if u know me - Im a hoarder) Also to write about the one thing that made me happy, makes me more appreciative of all that I've really been blessed with .  This year may be rot, but it has taught me to be truly appreciative of all that I have even the tiniest of gestures and deeds make a difference. 

I'm hoping to be consistent and not a lazy ass on this project, So I'm going to give it my best shot !

To memories and finding joy in all that I do 🍻🍷! Lets keep up the SPIRIT ! -always